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Getting started

This guide will help you get started with Documenté. You will learn how to set up your project, write your first specification using the Phrasé language, and run your tests generated from your documentation.

Set up your project


Documenté integrates into projects with a end-to-end testing framework installed. You can refer to Cypress or Playwright installation instructions to get started.


Install Documenté generator as a dev dependency:

npm install --save-dev @documente/generator

You can also install Documenté globally:

npm install --global @documente/generator


Create a documente.config.yml file at the root of your project:

runner: playwright # either "playwright" or "cypress"
input: docs/**/*.md # location of documentation to extract tests from
outputFolder: tests # directory in which tests should be generated
selectors: documente/selectors.yaml # path to selectors file

You can find more information about the configuration file in the dedicated section.

Write your first specification

Describing your application with a selectors file

Documenté expects a YAML file with a tree-like representation of your application.

Here is an example selectors file, describing a login form containing a login field, a password field and a confirm button, as well as error and welcome message containers.

Documenté uses the standard HTML5 selectors which allow you to locate HTML elements by type, class, ID, attribute...

login form:
  _selector: .login-form
  login field: input[type="text"]
  password field: input[type="password"]
  confirm button: button[type="submit"]
login error message: .error-message
welcome message: .welcome-message

Writing specifications

Specifications are written in Markdown files, using the Phrasé syntax.


You can also read Phrasé code from other kind of files. For example the Kitchen sink project extracts tests embedded in a JS file by setting the testRegex option.

Here is an example of a specification file:

# How to use my awesome application

Login into the application to be greeted by a cool welcome message.

when I login
then welcome message should be visible
and it should have text "Welcome, user01!"

In order to login, simply type your username and password in the login form
and click on the login button.

In order to login:
- I type "user01" on login form login field
- I type "password" on password field
- I click on login form confirm button

You can place the specifications in any folder you want, as long as you specify the correct path in the input property of the documente.config.yml file. A good practice is to place the specifications in a docs folder at the root of your project.

Take a look at the Language Overview section for more information about the test syntax.

The example project will also give you a good idea of how to write specifications.

Run your first tests

Extracting the specifications

To extract the specifications from the documentation files, run documente from the root of your project:


This will generate test files in the output folder.

Running the tests

You can run the tests just like you would run other Cypress or Playwright tests.

With Cypress:

cypress open

Or with Playwright:

playwright test --ui

Example project

You can find an example repository here with a simple application, a Documenté configuration, and a set of specifications.